Friday 22 February 2013

Westfield (little) shopping trip!

The first thing i bought was in
Republic and i only bought a little
something that i really wanted that I
thought might go with a nice plain
jumper and that was a really cute
long necklace, i'm not really sure
what is on it but it looks like a
lantern to me with little hearts on
it, i felt a bit guilty buying this so i
went to go get my money back and
they said that they weren't doing
refunds! But it explains more on
my YouTube video! But i still got it
anyway, and that was £2 in the

Today i went on another little shop and i went to the absolutely amazing Westfields in North London and i cannot tell how awesome it is i went crazy when i saw it! Anyway i bought a few things so i thought i might share them with you i have also done a video about my day on YouTube! So you can watch that! Right i will show you what i'v got:

The second thing i bought was in New
Look and i bought a pair of really cute
socks for £1.99 (3 for £4) and they
are navy blue, pink at the top and
bottom, white poker dots with a really
cute owl with heart shaped glasses on.
I though this was to cute to resist
so i bought them!!


Now this was the last thing i got and
i have wanted to buy something from
here for so long and today i got to!
I went to Gilly Hicks and smooched
around in the sale section and found
this lovely long sleeved top that
has the cutest little koala bear in the
whole entire world and i got this in
the sale for £9.90 (WOW)!!

Thank you for reading!!

  Lissia xx

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