Tuesday 19 February 2013

My day today: 19.02.13

Hey, hopefully this is my last blog of the day and i just want to share with you about what happened today:

This morning i woke up at around 7 ish, got dressed and put on bit of make up, after i did that i went downstairs to get my brekie (mini wetabix) and then i watched a bit of my fav YouTubers and after decided to go and knock for my friend grace, when I got there we did a blog of our favorite objects from January and uploaded that on to YouTube i think it's on both of our channels but you will have to look. Then to have a bit of fun we went outside into graces little den at the top of her garden and played with her dog Oscar. The after we went and me and grace made our selves tomato soup.

Then we decided to go back to my house and do lots more vlogging but this time we did it all about beauty and make up and we put this on for both of our channels. The most exciting thing was that we did our own version of the Harlem shaker with my sister, brother and grace and it is sooooooooooo funny you have to watch it on my YouTube channel. Lastly we did a daily makeup routine/tutorials and then grace went home to have dinner whilst she had dinner i had dinner and then had a shower and did a mini pamper evening i have a video on YouTube about what i did and how to do what i did after that i went on Skype with my best friend Grace (again) and here i am typing to you whilst taking to grace

Sorry its been such a long blog but i hope i didn't bore you, i hope you enjoyed it
i will be blogging through out all the week and i hope you read them as well!
Lissia xx

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