Wednesday 3 April 2013

A Very Big Sorry!

Well the reason i'm blogging today is to say i am so so SO sorry that i haven't been blogging like in absolutely ages and i really regret that, i did say i would be doing a blog on weekends but as you can see... I haven't. But the real truth is that i am in this show with my dance school and i'm quite a big part and i'v been at the school for the whole day really and haven't had the time to actually do the blogs, but now its the Easter term so i will try to do more blogs! I know that sounds like my all time favorite excuse but i'm being truthful and not lying, now i am not promising that i will be doing these every weekend 'cause we all know how that turned out i will be doing them from time to time . I obviously have been doing more YouTube videos (if you don't already know) so if you want to catch with me then do that!!!

Thanks a lot and i'm sorry, again, and hopefully i will be blogging again very soon!!!
Lissia xxx

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